Haproxy means never needing to say “oh yeah, port”

After a not insignificant amount of time, I finally figured out how to use ingress controllers with Kubernetes. What this meant in the short term was no longer having to use NodePort entries, which map one service to one port (usually above 30000).  Nope, now http(s) services could all run through a single gate (or ingress, as it’s aptly named).

Finally working, I had an http ingress set up on port 30500, and it has been working really well. Kubernetes will not run exposed services on anything outside of the 30k port range, so I kept having to add :30500 to all of my entries.

Tonight I added haproxy on the kubernetes hosts, which maps 80 to 30500.  Unsurprisingly, it works beautifully.  Now I can run to that instead if I so choose, and only use 30500 when I’m diagnosing things.
