Happy things.

So I have been rearranging my office for a while. Less trying to optimize it, more trying to keep ahead of the random chaos, lest the piles of stuff collapse and bury me.

A week ago I moved all of my 3d printers into one general area, and hooked the two that need a computer to a single Pi running Repetier Server.

I also took the time to get simplify3d configured to upload to the pi after slicing.

I started printing a few final components for the Drawbot i had started work on .. oh, maybe a year ago.

I didn’t tweak anything, I wiped the dust off, turned it on, loaded filament, and started to print.  It’s beautiful, and everything works.

On top of that, I’ve made real progress on the drawbot, and I could see being able to actually TEST it within the next week or two.

These things make me happy.

Thoughts on 17 dead.

Observing the reactions (or the lack of) from the US congress and other high ranking members, I can only come to one conclusion:

None of their children go to public school.

It makes me wonder where they DO go, and how long until a home grown terrorist comes along and targets them.  I’d suspect they have better security.. but there’s a lot of guns in the US, and it only takes missing one.

A little tip for Amazon.

Dear Amazon,

When I’m buying a book from you, why not take your section called “Customers who bought this item also bought”… and filter out the stuff I’ve already purchased? I mean, cool, it’s nice to see that other people have similar tastes, but I’d rather see books I don’t already own.

As someone who can and does read 4 books in a day, having only 100 items returned means there’s a high chance I’ve read a large number them.

Decisions, decisions.

My morning shower thought was all about ‘decisions’.

In particular, the dividing line between ‘I am reacting to <external stimulus example>’ and ‘I have chosen without direct impact of external forces’.

The number of decisions I’ve made that were internally generated is much smaller than the number which were a direct response to external forces.   In that you could almost see a wave breaking on the shore.  It surges against a rock, and some water goes left, some goes right.  The history of the wave coupled with the shape of the rock determine the path through which the water flows.

I too am like the water.

Early vacation

I’m still sick unfortunately (or sick again?) — but it’s ok.  I have found a book to read… which lead to a series… which lead to several other series.

Now on book 15 or so since friday, I’m not discontented.

Dealing with the government.

So we paid our taxes, and settled some previously owing.  Paid in full by cheque.

Except the CRA put one of the cheques against the wrong individual.  The result?  We have to pay the money *again*, and they’ll eventually refund any credit on the account the money went into, but only after this year’s taxes process.

Oh, and if we waited for them to correct it? Penalty.  Don’t pay that while trying to get it reversed? Second penalty.

I believe the phrase goes:

‘It’s our fault, but it’s your problem’