Saltstack adventures

Still working through Saltstack. Definitely a small community at work on this, but pretty regular software updates. In some ways it reminds me of Ansible and how it can be challenging to find a bit of prebuilt boilerplate to meet a specific need — I’ve been a bit spoiled in that regard with Puppet.

That said, I’ve been making good progress. I have a minimum-spec list of things I need this to do, and every day I’m able to cross off another one. I’ll admit I’m quite drawn to a client-server model that’s *push* and *pull*, not just one or the other. I’m not sure why it’s not more popular, that combination alone makes it tremendously appealing to me.
It’ll still be some time before I try applying this to any of my working hosts, and some (like my mailserver) will be a massive undertaking.

It’s taken a bit to get semi-comfortable with Jinja templating, but it’s similar in many regards to ERB, so other than how ugly each looks prior to processing, I have no real complaints.

I did have to discover the difference between {{ var }}, {{ var | json }}, and {{ var | yaml }} — which for ordered lists comes out as [‘var’], [“var”], and [var] respectively. Yes, I put that here so I can find it again later 🙂