Waking up on new years eve

I woke this morning with a quite complicated dream still running through my head.

It was an ongoing struggle between two groups.  One group was comprised of immortals, the other was made up of resurrectionists.  The story was thus:

The two groups had amassed roughly equal power and control, and lived for generations in a kind of cold war.  At some point the balance shifted in favor of the immortals, and the returners scattered and went underground as some kind of resistance movement.

Flash forward and the immortals had figured out how to use the returners as a fuel source, to power … something?  The dream’s perspective was from one of the resistance camps, as a group of immortals assaulted it and proceeded to capture or kill all of the fighters.

Sounds intense? It was.  A whole history and current state of affairs packed into one little dream.  I woke before the capture was completed, but the desperation and despair came through loud and clear.